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Astrological Monthly Forecast for March 2022

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After the first two winter months of frozenness, hardship, slumber and boredom, March is going to be a lot more active, and overall, an energetically altogether different month. We will have more going on in just the first two weeks than in January and February together. Expect a whirlwind of all kinds of things starting to happen fast! Our individual needs and wishes are finally going to be answered; and we will begin to regain a new sense of hope. Possibilities and potentials are going to be on the rise with the progression of March moving forward; and the waves that have steadily rocked romantic relationships since last September are going to be receding at last. This will bring a much needed sense of balance and clarity back into our life.

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Astrological Monthly Forecast for February 2022

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The month of January is shaping up to be full of mostly tight and constraining energetic influences. In fact, both January and February wThe first half of February will be very similar to the overall signature of the entire month of January with slow, tight energies. We will still have a lot of quiet time most likely spent in isolation but ideal for getting things done; and health regulations and social distancing will probably stay in effect. From mid-month, however, a gradual energetic thaw is to be expected, and the austere, Saturnian and wintry qualities will start to lose their grip at last. This will bring a noticeable boost to our mood both at the personal and the collective levels; and by late February, lots of familiar things that are associated with a life worth living will be returned to us. The gradual arrival back to a sense of normalcy will make February feel like we are in a tunnel, on our way into something entirely new and different from what we have known. And from endless lockdown, we will be arriving back into Life again.

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Astrological Monthly Forecast for January 2022

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The month of January is shaping up to be full of mostly tight and constraining energetic influences. In fact, both January and February will feel like an extension of December, when another wave of regulations and lockdowns started; and we had to yet again manage and make do without a lot of social interactions. Traditionally, winter has been a time of minimalistic activities the world over, and the first few weeks of the new year will most likely have this old-fashioned, conventional wintry feeling to them. The challenges we may feel will likely arise from the very real sensation that the past two years have felt like permanent wintertime, with only an occasional thaw for a week or two here and there. There hasn’t really been a lot of bright and joyous release for quite a while without us having to expect the cold weather to return, so to speak. The key in January will be, quite simply, to let go of the illusion that things should be different, and wish that it was August. It will get us by much more quickly if we accept what is; because this cold month, too, shall come to pass. Conscious effort to set up daily routines; pursuit of some sort of learning, and an occasional walk or outdoor fun is very well advised. And when we buckle down for winter when it is wintertime, January will likely feel a good old-fashioned cold month, natural with its minimalistic qualities at the beginning of a new year.

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Astrological Monthly Forecast for December 2021

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During the month of December, we will be best served by staying on the path of the golden mean when we embrace a way of living in quiet harmony. Nothing extra, nothing extraordinary. Life will have a sense of normalcy about it in the best sense; and we will be able to get things done all the same without too much fanfare. In the last month of the year, a constant ebb and flow of supportive energies will influence what we do, with the occasional slowing, cooling fluxes settling in. The first two-to-three weeks will likely be spent in this crisp and simple, half-active modus operandi, and only towards the end of the month can we look forward to a noticeable shift and upgrade. Late December thankfully will bring a more playful, and lively end to the year, and something might literally feel different. This, in part, will be due to two ominous events that will set the tone for the new year in 2022. Knowing about these early on may create an auspicious scenario for getting prepared, and even perhaps take conscious steps towards the future.

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Astrological Monthly Forecast for November 2021

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During the two previous months of September and October, we were best served by tending to our business, and staying quietly focused on the task at hand without retreating too far internally. Relationships, partnerships and human affairs, on the other hand, may have been much more challenging, due to difficult planetary aspects and transits. Throughout the month of November, a reverse attitude is supported; and we are getting a clear prompt from the universe to ignore calls for lengthy inner retreats. We will also need to avoid possible forms of self-serving solitude or isolation. This will be especially important and crucial during the first three weeks of the month. As November arrives, the transition from October brings an auspicious time to mend or recalibrate things that may have gone wrong or got messy in regards to relationships. Simultaneously, collaborative and creative efforts, especially with a partner or a small team will be very much supported throughout the month. 

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Astrological Monthly Forecast for October 2021

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October is shaping up to be the inverse of September in major trends and tendencies that weave throughout the entire month. In the past weeks, Venus in Scorpio may have stirred up relationships and social connections in general. At the same time, individual work, carried out with diligence and quiet but sharp focus was very well supported because of planetary presences and aspects in the realms of Virgo and Libra in the Zodiac.  In what lies ahead, a complementary effect is in the forecast for October. In other words, social and romantic relationships will receive an upgrade, and more clarity and universal support; while at the same time, too much focus on individuality, immediate needs and wants, and excessive time spent on any forms of inner retreat will likely be challenged. In October, the overall pleasant, positive, and efficient energetic signature of August and September will remain active; and we are well-advised to harness the supportive, creative nature of these qualities, and keep being active, and focused in what we do. And as we make progress, we will be just as well encouraged to share the bounty, and include others in our efforts too. Towards the end of the month, this later prognosis will actually become of key importance.

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