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Astrological Monthly Forecast for September 2021

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September starts with two remarkable tendencies, first running parallel with each other and then the one yielding to the dominance of the other from mid-month onward. The first two weeks are looking to be an excellent and auspicious time for getting busy and accomplishing things; and for organized and healthy routines once again. As a bonus, to reap and enjoy the rewards of our labors is well supported. The overall energetic signature of this period is similar to life picking up tempo in mid-August, but even more so in the sense that our feeling productive will likely bring a taste of unabashed success and self-confidence with it too. From mid-September, themes that pertain to human relationships, social circles and connections will cast a shadow on this – in the good old ways. What we mean by this is that wherever there are at least two involved, dualism and opposition also may occur. To notice two instead of oneness and a sense of belonging is the old way of relating. After what we have been through alone and collectively during the COVID-19 global pandemic, it is only natural that we want to wake up from our sense of isolation and social slumber and return to each other. The catch is that we are trying to do this in the old ways. On the one hand, we are operating on the principle that we want to belong; but in the meantime, we still play the same old game of push me/pull you. In the first half of the month, this will be less noticeable, latent but in grey tones, and in the background. We will go about our business and feel good about it, until something happens and human interactions or relationship troubles disturb the peace. The tension will be a lot more obvious after the first two weeks of September, and may even take over. Help will be on its way, but not in active ways until towards the very end of the month. Eventually, the trials and tribulations we have been through may well bring a fresh sense of strength and resilience; and new perspectives in all things pertaining to human relationships and connections. 

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Astrological Monthly Forecast for August 2021

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The month of August is full of pleasant and supportive aspects and perspectives that will very likely re-energize our sensible and human ways. Similarly to the period throughout May, we will feel motivated and productive once again. The first week of the month may be quite different from this forecast in its energetic aspects. But other than that, August is looking upbeat with a mid-month peak in terms of business, and plenty of activities. It might take a little extra effort to get back into the groove after a two-month hiatus in June and July. In fact towards the end of the month, we may need to rest and cut back on things to do. As August comes to an end, this will be supported by a number of favorable, benign and pleasant fluxes to help us relax and retreat. In May, we got a green light from the Universe for things to build momentum and get rolling. In August, the operational aspects of the same things will grow stronger and give us a sense of accomplishment and confidence. Simultaneously, we may have a renewed sense of appreciation for all that is civil and humanly sound in our lives. Especially with June and July in perspective as slower months, embrace August as a much more active and busy time in all aspects of work and entertainment, with a lot more to offer for recreation as well.  

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Astrological monthly forecast

Astrological Monthly Forecast for July 2021

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Astrological monthly forecast In the month of July, the spotlight is on human relationships. Specifically, two aspects will be the focus. One is the erotic, intimate and sexual aspect of relationships which in July will likely encounter turbulence. The other aspect is the familial, friendly and trust-based side of relationships, which will be very much supported throughout the entire month. The biggest challenge will be to skillfully manage the two and consciously allow the feeling, sensitive, and connective qualities of the self to remain open and active. In romantic partnerships this may prove to be harder than usual but in friendships and family connections, or in any other trust-based scenarios, you may find just the opposite and feel very supported. By the end of the month, expect to be richer in experience covering the whole spectrum of relationship issues, and prepare for an upgrade about your individual quest of self, much like in mid-June. Who are you? What lives at your core and what motivates you? If a self-imposed inner retreat or vision quest, including abstinence or a fast in your romantic life resonates with you, then the first three weeks of July in particular may well bring significant revelations and awesome clarity. In the meantime, intimate relationships with friends and family are going to support you as they fill up with new meaning, flourishing and blooming. 

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MP3 astrological analysis

Astrological Monthly Forecast for June 2021

Throughout June, the uplifting, promising and self-altering tendencies that the month of May brought, will keep on happening. But these energies will also have a distinctively more subdued and even reserved quality to them than the vibrant, active discoveries in May. There is an inner transformation going on affecting us in subtle ways, and highlighted by cosmic events such as sign changes and retrograde planetary motion. After the previous month’s outward bound social connections in physical space and at public gatherings of various sizes and nature, in June, we will likely retreat. In the best case scenarios this means we will have a chance to redefine and rebuild our closest circles of family and friends. A new sense of intimacy and trust is waiting to be explored as we come together in new ways. In less optimal cases, the retreat may go too far into the inner recesses of ego and lead to melancholy, isolation, hopelessness, or boundaries that are too firm. The counsel to keep in mind for the entire month of June is to stay the course of the golden mean. Take things a little slower after a big month in May but be aware of taking it too far. Seek the company of people, and events or scenarios that fill you up with a sense of intimate belonging, helping you to feel mindful, sensitive and alive once again. 

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Astrological Monthly Forecast for May 2021

The month of May will keep bringing waves of uplift and release. Openings, new beginnings and a feeling of restart will be important qualities to look for, next to a sense of stability, especially in the first half of the month. All of this means that you are likely to experience heightened activity and freedom in your life. It is almost as if, after a long stretch of mostly online connections and thinking of each other or of things to do, life is given back to us. And now we can start to finally make happen what we have needed to keep mostly at the level of ideas or thoughts. A few prominent fluxes between planets will remind us to heed the lessons from last year’s lockdown. It will still be important to keep things local and grounded throughout May, and to make the strategy of “two steps forward and one step back” your friend and support. Towards the end of the month reaching into early June, you will benefit from taking a pause and conserving some energy, so do in May what you can. Plant your seeds, grow your garden, start taking those steps towards your work that you have been thinking about. In other words: keep busy and keep it local throughout May and at month’s end, take a break. This is the counsel to keep in mind for what’s ahead for the next thirty-one days.

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